As you may have realized by now, I was a bit of a wild child. At 16 years old I had a much older boyfriend from Maine while living in Massachusetts. His name was Dan and he was an acid dealer. I really believed he was my soul mate and we were building our beautiful castle in the sand, also we were eating 10 strips (10 hits) of acid every other day for months on end. Living like gypsies, sleeping in the woods at bonfires, tripping on his mother's roof all night and hitchhiking. And this is how this story begins.
I will tell you in that period of time I learned at least one thing, a 10 strip of acid, hunting season and hitchhiking are NOT a good mix! There is one particular unforgettable experience I wasn't sure was reality at first.
It was a cold fall night and Dan and I were on foot with a 5 mile trip ahead of us. It was about 3am and the wind and rain were becoming unbearable. We were on our way back to his Mom's house from a party at a friend's. We were hitchhiking everywhere we went back then so when a pickup truck came flying down the road out of no where we stuck our thumbs out without hesitation. Luckily it was our friend's Dad and his friend on their way back from hunting they said. They were really drunk but we were tripping on 10 hits of acid at the time.
When they pulled over they said we could not squeeze in the front with them. We had to get in the back, at that point we didn't care since we would get home much quicker this way. I noticed that right behind the cab there were a lot of big toolboxes. These older guys are laughing as they open up the back to a gutted out deer! If we wanted the ride we had to squeeze between the toolboxes and the gutted out deer. We took the ride. And oh what a ride it was! Closest thing to a bad trip I ever experienced! Pretty offputting to be staring down a dead dear split wide open in the back of a pickup tripping my face off!!!
So there it story of why I believe acid, hitchhiking and hunting season don't mix. I would never take back any of my crazy experiences. This one is unforgettable!